
1. syyskuuta 2017

DT Colorful Creations: Fun & Play

It´s time for new challenge on Colorful Creations! Our challenge is

"Our words for this month are SCHOOL, PRIMARY COLORS, FUN and PLAY.  Please incorporate one of these words into your project.  It can be in the way of the title, picture, pattern paper, etc… let creativity be your guide!"

I took Fun and Play and made my page. Photo was taken on Ikaalinen. We have amazing day with workshops there on August.

Thanks for your visit!


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Todella ihanaa, että kävit katsomassa minua ja tekeleitäni! Vielä kivempaa kun jätät kommentin - ne piristävät päivääni valtavasti! Kiitos!
Thanks that you visit on my blog with comments!