
5. kesäkuuta 2017

Words & Paintery: dad

Hi everyone! It´s time for new challenge - again! Words & Paintery challenge really inspire me!!

I really love the rust look and it was so interesting used rust medium on scrapbooking love. Old love, never rust is sentence how brink to mind my father. So rest of challenge is pure joy!!

Words & Paintery have dt call just now. So that is second reason why I was so inspired. I really love this challenge. So that my page is work for dt call.

Thanks for your visit!


2 kommenttia:

  1. Stunning layout! And I love the photo that you used!
    Thank you for joining us at Words&Paintery

  2. Love the amazing texture of the rust paint. So stunning against the blue background. Welcome to the Words and Paintery team😀


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