
22. kesäkuuta 2017

Stuck?!Sketches: Best

Hi!! It´s sunny day on Rauma! We have a great midsummer festival on this weekend. Our sun don´t going down and nights is bright! Today is that day when almost every finnish people coming to a cottage, a island or music festival or some else summer festival with friends and family. This is best time in our summer! Sunny and funny time!

But I still scrapbooking on my studio. I made my page for Stuck?!Sketches challenge. This is so funny to made!  My father stand with his newest grandchild. Their sketch is wonderful.

4 kommenttia:

  1. This is so pretty, love the layering and the texture the thread adds! Super sweet photos too! Thanks for joining us at Stuck?! Sketches!

  2. Beautiful as always Taru! Like the color matching and your take on the sketch! Thanks for joining Stuck?! Sketches! Hugs Åsa

  3. I love the texture and detail on your page. Thank you for joining us at Stuck Sketches. Happy Scrapping! Ashley

  4. Gorgeous layout! I love the colours! Thanks so much for playing along with us at Stuck?! Sketches!


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