
20. toukokuuta 2017

Stuck?! Sketches: love you

Stuck?! Sketches publiced so lovely sketch on this month!

My page include doilies, papers, twines, flowers, tag, wood words, paper clip and so on.

Thanks for your visit!


4 kommenttia:

  1. Such a sweet and gorgeous page! Thanks for joining us at Stuck?! Sketches!

  2. Very pretty, love the layers and sweet embellishing! Thanks for playing along at Stuck?! Sketches!

  3. Fabulous embellishing and perfect colours for your sweet photos! Thanks for playing along with Stuck?! Sketches!!!

  4. Beautiful layout!Love the texture and embellishments!Thank you for joining us at Stuck?!Sketches:)


Todella ihanaa, että kävit katsomassa minua ja tekeleitäni! Vielä kivempaa kun jätät kommentin - ne piristävät päivääni valtavasti! Kiitos!
Thanks that you visit on my blog with comments!