
14. syyskuuta 2016

7 Dots Studio: metallic colors or texture

hi again! Challenge is metallic colors or texture on 7 Dots Studio challenge. There is my page for that. I made background of photo with different metal embellishments. Then I put some rust effect on them. I made embossing details on background paper.

Täällä taas! 7 Dots studion haaste on tällä kertaa metallivärit tai metalli tekstuuri. Minä tein kuvan taakse taustan metallikoristeita. Laitoin koristeihin hieman ruoste efektiä. Sitten tein taustapaperiin yksityiskohtia kohojauheilla.

I love that you stopping by
Ihanaa kun piipahdit! 


8 kommenttia:

  1. All those yummy metalics!!! Thank you so much for joining in with our Metallic colours and textures challenge over at 7 Dots Studio xx

  2. Love it, love love love...... thanks for playing with us at 7dots studio challenge ❤️

  3. Lovely page, and I so love that picture, you to look alike! Gorgeous cat!. Loving the metallic on the page! Thank you for joining 7 Dots studio challenge this month!

  4. I love this! What a perfect photo and fabulous interpretation of the challenge! Thanks for joining us at 7dots!

  5. Love it !!!! Thanks for playing at 7dots studio challenge ❤️

  6. Oh wow - this is so cool! Thank you for playing with us at 7 Dots Studio.

  7. Wonderfully done! Thank you from the blog 7 DOTS!

  8. Really cool composition and the page! Thank you for joining 7 Dots Studio challenge - hope to see your work in the new challenge as well!


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