
23. helmikuuta 2015

Challenge YOURself #15 ... I am...


Now is time for Challenge YOURself.... our challenge on this month is.... 
Nyt on vuorostaan aika Challenge YOURself haasteelle ja haaste tässä kuussa on...

What you are?? I am.... bored!!
Mitä sinä olet? Minä olen tylsistynyt!

This photo was little bit a joke. My friend carry all empty classes in front of me and I showed my tongue. We got a photo where I´m looking like bored! I got great pattern paper and made colors in this. Firts little bit of gesso and then colors wiht mists. Stamped and papers make a layers behind photo. Some little details with papers.

Tämän kuvan otti oli pieni vitsi. ystäväni kantoivat eteeni kaikki tyhjät lasit ja päätin näyttää kieltäni! Saatiin kuva jossa näytän tosi tylstistyneeltä. Otin kuviopaperin, johon levitin vähän gessoa, ja suihkella väriä. Leimailua ja paperit teki kerrokset kuvan taakse. Lopuksi pieniä yksityiskohtia papereista.

Thanks your visit!
Kiitos vierailustasi!


7 kommenttia:

  1. I love your creative and fun layout! Your take on the color scheme and "I am . . ." is fabulous! Thank you so much for joining us at Challenge YOUrself this month! We are so happy that you did!

  2. This is great Taru! Love the photo and the title. Perfect background paper for the color palette and great touch with the enamel dots. Thanks for joining in with us at Challenge YOUrself

  3. Ha! This is great! So much fun :D Love all that inky mess, very creative. Thanks for playing along with us at Challenge YOUrself.

  4. love all the misting and the subtle stamping! Glad you & your friends have a great sense of humor! Cute! Kate (Challenge YOUrself)

  5. Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Your background work is phenomenal and the doodling! SO jealous! Thanks for playing along with us over at Challenge YOUrself!!

  6. Well, you may be bored in the photo, but your layout is anything BUT boring!! Just LOVE the colors, textures and doodling!! Such a FUN page! Thanks for playing along with us at Challenge YOUrself! :-)

  7. Love this page! Especially, the title letters. Are they embossed? Fab. Thanks for joining us at Challenge Yourself.


Todella ihanaa, että kävit katsomassa minua ja tekeleitäni! Vielä kivempaa kun jätät kommentin - ne piristävät päivääni valtavasti! Kiitos!
Thanks that you visit on my blog with comments!