
22. helmikuuta 2018

Art Journal Journey: Dradonfly

Art Journal Journey challenge is animals from A to Z on February. 
I choose D like Dragonfly!!

Thanks for your visit!


6 kommenttia:

  1. This page is beautiful! You use some interesting colors and much texture for the background, so that the Dragonfly comes out clearly! And there are also fabulous lines, patterns and textures ON each Dragonfly!
    Thank you so much for linking this wonderful page to my theme at Art Journal!
    Wish you a happy day! Rike

  2. I am in awe of this fantastic spread! Such amazing textures, colours and layers! Fantastic!
    You made us really happy to take part in our challenge over at Art Journal Journey and we hope to see you more often in the future as well! That would be a pleasure for us!
    I will follow your blog - wonderful inspirational blog! Great!

    oxo Susi
    from Austria

  3. I would have been by sooner, but the ice storm we had last night took out my phone and internet. It just came back on a few minutes ago.

    The dragonfly is beautiful, and your entire spread is magical. I was so impressed with the colors, the textures, and of course, the dragonfly that took center stage. Thanks for sharing this with us at Art Journal Journey, dear Jehkotar. I hope to see more of your stunning art in the future, too!


Todella ihanaa, että kävit katsomassa minua ja tekeleitäni! Vielä kivempaa kun jätät kommentin - ne piristävät päivääni valtavasti! Kiitos!
Thanks that you visit on my blog with comments!