
19. kesäkuuta 2017


Hi everyone! I just have a funny time with Scrap Our Stash Challenge with Tombow brushes. Teippatarha sponsor Tombow brushes for me for Askartelupirtti. I just got a idea to make background of scrapbooking page with Tombow.

Hei kaikille. MInulla oli hauska tehdessäni Scrap Our Stash Challengeen sivu Tombow tusseilla. Teippitarha sponsoroi niitä muutaman Askartelupirtin kurssille. Tein sivulle taustan käyttäen Tombow tusseja. 

Scrap Our Stash Challenge have Tic Tac Toe Stash Challenge:

My line is COlor Red - Camera - Wood! I made a video for YouTube too. I speak only Finnish, but I hope that don´t be a problem! Give to me feedback, do you like it?

Minun suorani on punainen väri - kamera - puu! Minä tein myös videoin YouTubeen työstäni. Anna palautetta - piditkö?

Thanks for your visit!
Kiitos kun piipahdit!


7 kommenttia:

  1. What a fantastic page. Love the details and stash use. Awesome techniques. Thanks for your entry in our challenge at Scrap Our Stash! Enjoy your day!

  2. WOW!! I am not much of a stamper - but your video makes me want to dust off my stamps and play!! Love the layout and the technique - THANKS I will have to try it! Thanks for playing along with us at the Scrap Our Stash Blog!! PS - I love the video!! Great job!

  3. Awesome page - the background is great! Thanks for playing along at Scrap Our Stash!

  4. Wonderful page. Love your keen eye for design and style. Thanks for joining us at Scrap Our Stash.

  5. I love your background!So creative!!Thank you for joining us at Scrap Our Stash:)

  6. I love this! Your design really pulls the eye to your focal point. Nice work with the tic-tac-toe challenge. Thanks for joining us at Scrap Our Stash!!

  7. I love your layout - it is awesome, and thank you for creating with us this month at Scrap Our Stash


Todella ihanaa, että kävit katsomassa minua ja tekeleitäni! Vielä kivempaa kun jätät kommentin - ne piristävät päivääni valtavasti! Kiitos!
Thanks that you visit on my blog with comments!